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5 Things to ask the Bride Before you Photograph the Wedding

Hey You,

Congratulations! You’ve booked your first wedding! Or you have booked your 10th wedding! Either way congratulations! You have put in the work. Whether this is your first or tenth wedding you might have questions about what to do next or what to do better. Here is my advice on what to ask the bride before the wedding:

1.) Can we meet in person before the wedding? Now this might seem like an obvious one but if your clients don’t also book an engagement session and just reach out to you through email or social media then you might not ever meet them until the wedding day unless you meet in person. Of course, you're going to ask details, but you can do all of that through texting/emails. There are a couple reasons I meet with a couple before the wedding the first and most important is to see if we are a good fit for each other. Imagine going to a wedding and your clients are very uncomfortable around you. It’s going to make your job a lot more difficult and a lot less enjoyable. If you meet up with your clients before the wedding, then you can chat and get to know each other a little bit (if they book an engagement session too that’s even better!). The other reason is to ask all the important questions about the wedding day. Yes, you can continue to go over details through emails/text, but I find it’s better in person.

2.) The important questions that I ask my clients during our in-person meeting are: Do you have a photo you can’t live without? A lot of times the answer to this question is “the kiss” but I’m talking about the weird or unique photos that I wouldn’t think to take because it’s a family tradition I know nothing about. I also ask the flow of events - brides don’t always know this at our meeting but I do a general outline- are you doing a first look? Do you want to do photos of the groomsmen before the ceremony or after? Will you be doing a traditional reception with first dance, father daughter, mother son? Who will be your runner? (I always suggest that my clients appoint someone to be their “runner” meaning someone to go get family members for photos (I don’t know who Great Aunt Elise is and it will be a waste of both of our time for me to go look). Asking all these questions will give you a general outline of your day and may help them determine which package is best for them and get them thinking about the events of the day.

3.) Can I come to your rehearsal? This might sound like a strange thing to ask/do as a photographer but I’m not talking about staying for dinner. I’m talking about watching your 10-minute rehearsal so I can see where the bridesmaids are walking in from, where you will be standing, and the perfect spots for those portrait photos with the two of you. This also allows me to find the venue before the wedding day (something I recommend doing even if you are not meeting with your clients before the wedding), gives me a minute to check in with my clients to make sure I can answer any last-minute questions they might have, and check in with the officiant (I always ask them to step to the side when the bride and groom kiss), and it’s a chance to meet who my clients have designated as their “runner.”

4.) Can I post photos of your wedding on my business accounts? This also might seem like a silly question to ask but you might be surprised how many people are not comfortable with it. If it is important to you to post your work, then maybe those clients are not the best fit for you. I personally don’t have a preference here. It is nice to be able to post about my work to gain traffic to my website and business but it’s not all about the photos. It’s also about the relationship. I have taken several photos that my clients did not want posted and because of their experience with me they have recommended me to several others.

5.) This might be the most important question. Can you sign my contract? Yes, I have a legal photography contract for all my clients that I ask them to sign before I photograph their wedding. At the in-person meeting, I go over this contract with them in detail, so they know what they are signing. I do believe this is necessary and if you don’t already have one then you should get one. If they are not willing to sign your contract, then they may not be the best fit for you (Insert link to free legal contracts here).

I have many other things that I ask my clients before I photograph their weddings, but these are some of the most important. If you have any more questions about what I ask my clients reach out. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have :)

With Love,




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